Sunday, August 26, 2012

Working Hard

Day 2
Quote: "It is easier to demolish a house than to build one." - Irish Proverb

Oh, how true this is. Today I took on the task of "deep cleaning" my apartment. It took me all afternoon and I didn't even get done! (I still have my bedroom left) It always seems to take longer to clean the apartment than it does to make it dirty.

But...this quote doesn't just apply to house cleaning. It also applies to trust and relationships. It takes me quite a long time to fully trust someone (yes, I may have some trust issues) and once that trust is broken (even a little bit), you can't get it back. Something that took years to build is gone within seconds/minutes. I've learned from past experiences to not let my guard down, even if it feels safe. I work hard at building my friendships and relationships with family/friends. 

You will continue to build relationships throughout your lifetime and you will always be working hard and improving those relationships. Don't let one one stray stone topple everything that you have built. Because after all, it only takes seconds to bring down a lifetime of work.

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