Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Helping Others

Day 5
Quote: "In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us. " - Flora Edwards

I can honestly say I love my job. I am able to directly help people in need and make a difference in someone's life, even if only for a few minutes on the phone. People who want to 'help' are the ones who get into the human service field. They want to make a difference.

But helping our clients is not the only way we help at my job. In my office/building, everyone helps everyone. Whether it be a last minute transport for a client or maybe just finding a phone number. It's the little things like that that make going to work easy. I know that when I go to work, I have people who are there to help and support each other, as well as the clients we serve.

My coworkers and I with a 106.7 Kix radio crew after our Bailey's Office Outing
 (We won lunch catered by Baileys paid for by 106 Kix radio. It was a blast!)
Is it always rainbows and butterflies? Well, no. There can be workplace drama just like any other job. However, it's how you react to those situations and what message you try to spread throughout. It's all in how you handle yourself in each situation. Set a good example. Be positive. Because it may not cure everyone's grief, but it will sure make it a lot easier to handle!

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