Monday, August 27, 2012

Exercising Self-Restraint

Day 3
Quote: "Half of the harm done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm. But the harm does not interest them." - T. S. Eliot

Not gonna was tough. I had a hard time keeping it together and not either screaming at someone or breaking down. It was just one of those days. Work didn't exactly go as planned and that wasn't even what topped it off. What almost tipped me over the boiling point was this:

After finding out I needed to make an unplanned trip out of town for work, I went out to my personal car to grab my license before getting into my agency car. As I'm walking up to my personal car, I see something written in the dust on my car. (Yes, my car is dirty and it's black, so it shows dirt well). I could almost not believe what I saw. Someone (no idea who or when it happened) had written "I [heart] Penis" on my side window and actually drew one below it. (see picture below). 

Seriously?! The immense immaturity of the human race is astounding. I'm sure that whoever did it was probably laughing quite hysterically while they were doing it, thinking they were being sooo cool and not thinking that it could harm anyone else. Nope. Not cool. Stupid and immature. I very much hope that when I have children of my own, they will not grow up to have that kind of disrespect and immaturity. I can only hope for as much with the rest of the youth of this world.

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