Saturday, August 25, 2012

Joy in Times of Hardship

Day 1
Quote: "Hope costs nothing." - Colette
In a time when everything seems to cost SOMETHING and the costs keep rising, it is hard to find things that DON'T cost anything. Even water has a price, especially when there is a drought (which we are currently experiencing).

One thing that does NOT cost, however, is hope. There is no expiration date on hope. You can never run out of hope. Hope is always there when you need it.

Hope is believing things will work out for the best.

I hope for a lot of things. I hope this drought will end. I hope rain will come. I hope I will be able to pay all my bills every month. I hope those who are always negative realize how their actions are not only hurting themselves, but everyone around them. I hope for a decent crop for my parents. I hope our restaurant/bowling alley receives enough business to stay open for many years. I hope my family is happy. I hope my friends know how much I care about them. I hope for contentment in life.

Hope is looking towards the future and believing that everything will be just fine.
There is always hope.

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