Monday, September 16, 2013

Strength Through Adversity

"A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with the wind." - Lewis Mumford

I wasn't planning on writing another blog this soon (especially another Husker related one), but the day's events have called me in. 

Alright, Husker fans, here's your chance to AGAIN show your class. Bo Pelini is in the spotlight and it's not really where he wants to be right now. Stepping aside from the Huskers' loss last Saturday, we turn to Bo Pelini's weekly press conference in which he recaps and answers questions about the previous weekend's game. I haven't watched or listened to the actual press conference, but one comment has been spread around: "If he feels like that, then so be it. We don't need him." 

Well, that's not the entire statement. Here's the full statement in context: "Since I came back here, I've embraced former players," Pelini said. "If he feels like that, then so be it. We don't need him. That's a shame." "Until you've sat in this seat, until you've sat here and done it, anybody can have an opinion. It's easy to point fingers when you stand outside and throw stones. So I just take it for what it is." Any better? Maybe, maybe not. 

The statement came in response to a tweet from Tommie Frazier's Twitter account @TouchdownTommie: "After letting it sink in for about 4 hours I still struggling. It's time to get rid of the defensive play caller, the Dc, lb dl and db coaches. I hate saying this but this crap is getting old. How in the hell do you not make adjustments or put your players in the position to compete? If this is what is going to happen for the remainder of the season, count me out. I don't care if we lose a game but the way we are losing is just not what #Nebraska fans deserve. I have fought, bled, and cried over this program. I didn't do all that for the program to become what it has today. Time for change!"

I mentioned in my previous blog that everyone has their own opinions and that is true for EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter what the topic is. Well, here's my opinion on the Bo Pelini Tape (or BPT as I shall call it):

By now, I would be surprised if any Husker fan HASN'T listened to the BPT or at least read what was said. Because of this, I will not repeat it (mainly because it's not very nice). To be honest, when I first read/listened to the BPT, I was quite offended and upset. How could a coach talk about his fans like that? Doesn't he know where his support comes from? I was getting sucked into the negativity (which was EVERYWHERE). I started to read more articles and more comments and realized that not everyone had the same opinion. Some were even supporting Bo. So, I took a step back and re-evaluated the situation.

1) The BPT was recorded 2 years ago after the Ohio State game. Apparently many fans left at halftime because the Huskers were losing, only to have the Huskers make a marvelous comeback to win. I can't speak for any other fans but myself, but I have never left a game early (maybe that's because I only get to go to 1 game per year so I want to make the most out of it). I can understand both sides of the matter. Leaving early provides easy travel away from the stadium (traffic in downtown Lincoln on game days his horrific), but it also shows a kind of disrespect (in a way) to your team, who you claim to be a die-hard fan of. 

2) What coach has NOT gotten frustrated and upset about a situation? This is Nebraska. We have a very high-profile team and I'm sure emotions fly sky-high when you're in the spotlight that much. Do I condone what was said on the BPT? No, absolutely not. Regardless of how frustrated you are, you still need to be aware of what you're saying, when, and to who. If the person who actually leaked the BPT was someone that Bo trusted, then I lose all respect for that person. It's just simply morally wrong.

3) The media is painting a picture of Bo that is less than appealing. To the sideline rants, yelling at refs/players, and snarling teeth (you know what I'm talking about). But have we forgotten all of the good things he has done? Not only for the Nebraska football team, but for fans? Have we forgotten how he has taken Jack Hoffman under his wing? 

If I sat here and degraded Bo because of something that he said two years ago, what type of person would that make me? Not a very good Christian, I suppose. 

Bo has done the right thing and issued a statement of apology: "I want to sincerely apologize for my comments from two years ago which became public today," Pelini said in a statement released by the school Monday night. "I take full responsibility for these comments. They were spoken in a private room following the Ohio State game. I was venting following a series of emotional events which led to this moment. That being said, these comments are in no way indicative of my true feelings. I love it here in Nebraska and feel fortunate to be associated with such a great University and fan base. I again apologize to anyone whom I have offended."

We all have made mistakes in our lives and have said things at times that we do not fully mean. I believe Bo has a good heart and deserves a second chance and I do hope he learns from this situation. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." Could we do any better if in his shoes? I know I would probably crumble under the pressure. 

So, I say kuddos to Bo for taking responsibility for the matter. Let us now move on. There are bigger issues to worry about, like our football team. But that, my friends, is a whole other topic. 

Come Saturday at Memorial stadium, I sincerely hope our fans show Bo the same type of class they showed towards UCLA. Be true. Be loyal. Be a Husker.


Bo Pelini Facebook Support Page:

Can't remain silent any longer. Coach Bo is the best thing for this program. Highest graduation rate ever, highest GPA ever, top 5 program

Zack Darlington, Nebraska commit who recovers from concussion suffered on national TV, said Pelini's called him every day since Aug. 24 hit

This man changed my life . Nothing but good things to say about him.

In all seriousness, time for fans to show class and midwestern values, extending grace to .

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