Friday, September 6, 2013


"It has never been, and never will be, easy work! But the road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination." - Marion Zimmer Bradley

I've been thinking about this post all day. I'm glad to finally sit down and write it.

As you have read above, September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. To be honest...if you would have asked me a year ago what cause is spotlighted in September, I wouldn't have had a clue. That's pretty sad, because childhood cancer is a pretty big deal. Did you know that 36 children get diagnosed with cancer each day?

Cancer has always been stigmatized and thus, not spoken about, but times are changing. More and more people are speaking out and spreading the word about childhood cancer awareness, hoping to reach those who have some sort of power to help find a cure, or at least fund research for one. Let me introduce you to one such person:

His name is Jack Hoffman. He is 7 years old and lives in a small Nebraska town with a population of roughly 1,245 people. He has brain cancer. If you haven't heard of him already, then mostly likely you have been living underground with no access to any type of media. Let's recap our resident hero:

A couple years ago he befriended a Nebraska Husker running back by the name of Rex Burkhead. I'd like to say the rest is history, but that wouldn't even cover it. Rex and Jack began spending more time together, even to the point of Rex inviting Jack to Memorial Stadium. Jack was then "adopted" by the entire Husker football team. Rex began wearing a Team Jack bracelet during every game. 


The word about pediatric cancer was starting to get out (doesn't hurt to have all of Husker Nation backing you). Team Jack bracelets and shirts and other items were being sold in order to raise money for brain cancer research. (I'm proud to say I have 2 Team Jack shirts!) Team Jack is growing!

But doesn't stop there. Back in April of this year something extraordinary happened. During the Husker spring game, Jack was able to fulfill his dream of playing for the Nebraska Huskers and scored a 69-yard touchdown run. The video is below. I still can't watch it without tearing up. It's truly something special.

Things went a bit crazy after that. Jack was not only making statewide news, he was making national and international news! The video above has over 8 million views. Shortly after his legendary touchdown run, he and Rex were invited to the White House to meet with President Obama. Yes, the president met with Jack Hoffman. Talk about spreading awareness!

Now, you would think that meeting the president would be where it ends. Nope. Not for Jack. His touchdown was still turning heads and got him nominated for an ESPY. Sure enough, he won that, too!

So where can Jack go from here? Anywhere. At 7 years old he has experienced more than majority of people do in their entire lifetime. He is a true inspiration to those who have ever battled cancer or gone through any type of adversity. 

We could learn a lot from little Jack Hoffman. How to rise up when things look grim. How to push forward when the road is hard. How to spread awareness about something that could have easily torn his family apart. 

Are you aware of Jack Hoffman now? How about the daily struggle of those with cancer? 

We may not be able to cure cancer, but we can spread the word and help raise money for cancer research. Jack, his family, and the Nebraska Huskers have done more than anyone could have ever imagined. And they're still going! I'm proud to call myself a Nebraska Husker AND Team Jack supporter. 

If Jack can endure what he did, then we can do our part and spread the word about cancer research. Support his cause. Support Team Jack. With the support of an entire state (not to mention nation) behind you, can do anything. And you will. Keep running down cancer!

Team Jack Foundation:
Team Jack on Twitter: @TeamJackHoffman

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