Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Future Steps

"Living in the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, causes you to bump into people not going your way." - Edna Ferber

Well, it's been quite awhile since I've updated this blog. I was out on my nightly walk tonight when I started to think that I need to share a few thoughts. The quote above has a lot of meaning for me, as well as for a lot of people, I'm sure. A lot has happened over the past year that has been positive and negative for me. I find myself thinking about these things almost every day, mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep. I have a tendency to over think things anyway, so getting to sleep is always a struggle. It seems like I'm always thinking about the past, whether it be earlier that day, the week before, or even more than a month before. It consumes a majority of my time (more than what it should).

By constantly thinking about the past, it's hard to move on to the future. You can't change what has already  happened. What's done is done. Sure, you can make amends to those you have wronged, but in the end, there's always going to be that scar of what was done. It will never go away. The choice is yours whether to live in the past or move forward. Forgive yourself and move on. You may not be proud of your past, but I'm sure you've learned from it. Use that knowledge and those lessons to make your future even brighter. Because in the end, the future is yours for the taking. Reach out and grab it.

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