Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankfully Up and Down

"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."
- John Milton

It's the eve before Thanksgiving and as I sit here under a blanket on my recliner sipping a beer, I start to think about all of the ups and downs this past year has brought me. The good and bad times. The friends I have gained and lost. All of the changes.

I'm a firm believer that it's not the situation that affects us, but how we view it. For someone who struggles with this, things make a much bigger impact on them than on the "normal" person. This is neither right or wrong, good or bad. It just is. And something I still struggle with accepting within myself.

Our minds are tricky organs. They can make everything look wonderful or they can make everything look bleak. And no matter how hard we try, sometimes that view stays. It's a battle that some of us know all too well. I've sure had my fair share of mindful fights.

However, it's important to take a step back sometimes and look at all of the good things that you have or that have happened and what you are thankful for. Like, having a roof over your head and the ability to self-sustain it. Heat (Nebraska winters can be brutal). Having a family that loves you. Having friends (both new and existing) who put up with your quirks and your worst and still love you just the same (and talk you down off a cliff more times than you can know who you are!). Like having a job that allows you to make a difference in people's lives that can never be repaid. Or the opportunity to (hopefully) make an impact on the lives of children (high schoolers more specifically) by doing something that you love anyway. Having hobbies that you can spend all day on. Performing well at a sport that you are passionate about. Being acknowledged for your talents or friendship. Or just cheering on your favorite sports team on a fall Saturday afternoon (Go Huskers!).

I know that every day will not be sunshine and rainbows and that there will be days/times when my negative thoughts overpower my logic. But, without the ups and downs of life, we would not be truly living. Be thankful for each day you are alive and look for the positives in each day. You may be amazed at the difference you will make.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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