Sunday, December 22, 2013

Inspiring Others

"The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any." - Fred Astaire

"We ought to be doing all we can to make it possible for every child to fulfill his or her God-given potential." - Hillary Rodham Clinton

"I'd like people to think of me as someone who cares about them." - Diana, Princess of Wales

Well, it's been a few months since I've had the time to type something up, but there's been some things on my mind lately that need to come out. 

Inspiration. To inspire. Making a difference. These are the things that I strive to do every day and I'm blessed to be in positions where I can. However, lately it seems as if I'm not doing a very good job in those "inspirational" areas. 

I firmly believe that we are put in people's lives for a reason (or that people are put in ours). It's not by chance. We cannot control who we meet in life no more than we can control the sun, but have you ever felt like you're being pulled towards someone for some reason? That maybe they've been put in your life for a reason or you were put in theirs? Weird concept, right? Not really. I think we've all had that feeling, but most of us don't take the time to open ourselves up to that feeling or possibility. 

There are currently people in my life that I feel drawn to and find myself wanting to help them improve and succeed in life in every way possible. The frustrating thing is that I feel like I'm failing at the opportunity. That no matter what I say or do, it just seems to go in one ear and out the other. I want so much for these people to see their potential and know that they are above all of the "crap" that life throws at them. Maybe it's because they don't believe in themselves. How do I get them to see? How do I get them to believe? To strive to be the best people they can be?

My curse: I care too much and I want to help everyone.

Honestly, there are days when I come home more frustrated and exhausted (mentally more than physically) than I ever thought possible, but ya know what? I wouldn't change what I do for a second. So, despite the fact that there truly are days when I would rather just stay in bed than go to "battle", I will keep going back. Because if I don't continue to believe in them, who will?

And I hope they know they can come to me in times of need.