Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Little Things

Quote: "There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort." - Jane Austen

Boy is this quote true!

I've never liked to be gone ALL the time. I like my down time at home...and I've realized this again after the last month of being SUPER busy at work. This means that I've put in way more hours than I normally do and have gotten home later each night than I would have liked. This is always why I haven't posted a blog entry in almost a month! Yikes!

My "off" weekends I usually spend with my family, but even those weekends have been booked. It's kind of sad when I'm looking forward to being "on-call" and have to stay home at my apartment. Haha! So today I took the opportunity to sleep in (much later than a call at 4:45am and then didn't wake back up till 11:30am...oops!), do some cleaning around my apartment, and of course, watch some football!

Staying home definitely provides REAL comfort. I don't have to worry about saying the wrong things or making someone mad. I don't have to look a certain way or really do anything (if I don't want to). It's where I can relax and not worry (too much) about things. And real comfort.