Saturday, September 8, 2012

An Open Mind

Quote: "You can always trust information given to you by people who are crazy; they have an access to truth not available through regular channels." - Sheila Ballantyne

Alright, so I've already 'failed' at keeping up this blog every day. I guess I need to rethink my strategy. I thought about going back and writing a blog for each day this past week, but then I thought that would just be too much work...and probably not worth it. I am, starting again. I'll lower my expectation to a post at least once a week. Let's see how that goes!

Now to the quote and the point of this blog. I don't like to think of people as 'crazy' per se...especially those who are mentally ill. Being called 'crazy' is more of a negative term, in my opinion.

If you have ever worked with someone who is legitimately mentally ill, you may have a different opinion. It can be a very strange thing when you listen to someone talk about seeing transparent spiders crawling on their walls or having someone tell you they fully believe they are God. Are they 'crazy'? In some sense, yes. Not quite put together right. But...that doesn't mean they are any less of a person. And sometimes? It makes me wonder "what if their view of the world is correct and mine is wrong"? What if the things I see are not real? Do I believe things that others would consider delusional? THAT is a strange idea...

Found this picture online...just for laughs!
I'm not sure if I would always trust the information given to me by someone who is 'crazy'...but I would definitely acknowledge that they fully believe the information to be true. Because they do. And I know this from experience.