Sunday, June 28, 2015

2014: My Year in Review

Someone once asked me what I regarded as the three most important requirements for happiness. My answer was: "A feeling that you have been honest with yourself and those around you; a feeling that you have done the best you could both in your personal life and your work; and the ability to love others."
- Sandra Day O'Connor

Ahh...another year has come and gone. Where did the time go?! Each passing year seems to go by quicker and quicker these days. Maybe it's because I'm busier now than in previous years...but that also means that I'm not stopping. I'm not paying attention to the little things...what truly matter.

The idea for this blog came from seeing multiple posts of highlights of 2014 and favorite photos from 2014. The goal of this blog is to put together a list of major events/accomplishments/moments from each month in 2014, highlighted by photos that I have taken during those times. Let's see how this goes.

When I think about what happened in January, only one event really stands out. The boys high school bowling team that I coach won Districts that month, beating one of the top teams in the state, and the girls team got runner-up (coached by my mom). We had a good turnout for the tournament, including the high school's principal. Although this may not seem like much, it is a huge accomplishment to have him be there to support the team (since bowling is not considered a high school sport and not sanctioned in the state of Nebraska).


February was very similar to January in regards to highlights: high school bowling. My teams participated in the State Tournament. Although we did not make it to the finals, it was still an accomplishment and had some unexpected incidents. I won't go into detail, but it definitely was not a boring tournament. One of our girls also placed 5th individually at State. I also received my newest pet in this month: a turtle, courtesy as my coach's gift from one of my senior bowlers.

You may be noticing a theme so far and this month is no different. The highlight of March was the Nebraska Women's State Bowling Tournament. Why was this a highlight? Well, besides that bowling is most definitely a huge part of my life, I bowled really well this year! Bowled a 651 in team, 610 in doubles, and a 596 in singles. Only had two games under 200 the entire tournament AND qualified for the Nebraska Queen's Tournament! 

My niece also celebrated her 10th birthday on March 14th!

Well, the highlight of this month is pretty easy. This is my birthday month! And this year's birthday was a milestone: the big 3-0. I gotta say, I had a little bit of mental trouble with this birthday, but overall it came and went just like any other day. April also kicked off the storm season and I took one of my favorite shots this month. Part of why I love storms is the sheer beauty of them. Give me a storm with epic structure that I can photograph and I am happy.
Taken on April 27th, 2014 north of Madison, NE on Hwy 81.
May started my increased number of photography shoots of the year. I had the opportunity to capture little miss Taylor's second year! And oh did she rock the shoot! Such a cutie! 

I took my annual zoo trip this month! Check out some of my shots on my Flickr page:

 May is also the month for Memorial Day and as in other years, we visited our loved ones who have passed and put flowers on their graves. I also took some of my favorite shots of my grandma on this day (although she hates her picture taken and never thinks she looks good.)

June was quite the month for weather. It started out with a fantastic sunset on June 1st.

On June 3rd we had a massive hail storm roll through Eastern Nebraska, leaving cars and buildings in shambles. I, personally, had never seen hail that big (up to softball in some areas). I was tipped off by a fellow photographer that there could be a good looking shelf cloud rolling towards my area, so I jumped in my car and headed up to my favorite local lake (only a few blocks away from my work place. Luckily, I had brought my camera along with me that day knowing the risk of severe storms for the area. I was also on lunch at the time and was able to leave for a bit. I have never seen a glow like that before. It was definitely an amazing sight. 

On June 9th I relived my favorite concert: THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!! Saw them for the first time on November 3, 1999 and they have been my favorite band since then. Almost 15 years later, I saw them again...and it was amazing!

Just a week after this amazing concert, my area was rocked by multiple tornadoes. Pilger, NE took a direct hit. I was working that day and tried my best to get off early, but couldn't. I left as soon as possible, but missed the tornadoes by about half a hour. We came upon Pilger and went into town to see if anyone needed help (we are first aid trained through our jobs). Search and rescue efforts were just ending and the town was evacuated shortly after we arrived, but I was able to capture a few shots of the damage and destruction. It was very surreal to see a town you drive by every day and people that you know live in be torn to pieces. It's one thing seeing that destruction on TV (which I have seen a lot through following weather), but it's completely different when it's in your backyard.

The damage was not limited to Pilger, however. Many counties experienced damage and destruction that day in Northeast Nebraska. 

Less than a week later, I was in Omaha, NE photographing a wedding in the beautiful Elmwood Park.

July consisted of more photography for me, most prominent were the two weddings I shot.
The first wedding took place on July 4th and the colors coincided with the day.

Just a week later, I was back behind the camera for the second wedding of the month! Did I mention they are big golfers? Haha!

July also brought my nephew's 4th birthday! This kid is anything but ordinary. He is smart, sassy, ornery, and incredibly adorable. 

Throughout the month of July, I worked hard at developing and organizing my Tornado Relief Fundraiser for three of my high school bowlers who lost their homes to the 6/16/14 Northeast Nebraska tornadoes. The fundraiser consisted of a silent auction and monetary donations. I also contacted many professional bowlers who donated money as well as bowling equipment to the bowlers. We also received support from other local high school teams and the commissioner of our high school bowling federation. The link below are the winners of the silent auction.

Lastly, July brought a change in job positions. After a little over 3 years of being on call every other week and not being able to go over 25 miles out of town (among some other issues that had been coming up which had been taking its toll on me mentally), I had the opportunity to switch positions within my department, allowing me less on-call time and more freedom (and by freedom I mean not having someone critique every little thing I do or say every day). This change has been so good for me mentally. I am really enjoying my new position and don't see myself leaving any time soon. My supervisor was super supportive during this transition time and I'm so glad I have her as my boss. I wouldn't want to work under anyone else.

August was a bit slower on the photography side of things, but did have a family shoot and an engagement session. Below are shots of the Anderson family!

When my cousin announced his engagement, I was pretty happy for them. Then, I got asked to do their engagement pictures and their wedding! Well, of course! It was super hot the day of their engagement pictures, but we made it through!

August also began the college football season and I was sure to kick off the season watching the best team in the nation...Go Huskers!

August also brought along the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Now, normally I don't participate in these internet fads, but I was nominated by my niece so I couldn't turn it down.

As in July, I continued to promote my Tornado Relief Fundraiser and come up with new ideas. I thought it would be neat if I could get a lot of the professional bowlers to record and send short support videos for my bowlers for me to show them when I present them with the fundraiser money. I started reaching out to the pros through social media to see what kind of response I could get. I got more than I could have imagined!

And of course...the bowlers said THANK YOU!

Fall is setting in and that means one thing...bowling leagues! After a few months off, it was time to get back on the lanes. I bowl on two leagues a week, so I was ready to get the rust off.

What would another month be without a photo shoot? The Blum kids!

Other than the start of bowling leagues and the one photo shoot, September was pretty quiet. I spent pretty much every Saturday in front of a TV watching football. I do love college football! Go Huskers!

October was considerably busier than August and September...probably combined. It started off with me bowling in the Nebraska Queens. I placed 2nd! I bowled the best I have in a very long time and it paid off. 12 games in 5 1/2 hours, I was pretty beat by the finals...and sore the next day!

By this time of the year, the leaves were turning and everything was getting some fall color! So of course, a few photo shoots were in order. The first was a senior shoot. He wanted them done on his farm, which I was completely OK with! And yes, that's his pet raccoon.

The next photo shoot was for a couple who won a free shoot of mine through a domestic violence fundraiser. Always willing to support a good cause!

Took a break from life after this shoot and left for a mini vacation in Colorado the next day! Went to visit my best friend, Eric, who lives in Denver. We hung out, did some sight-seeing, and just caught up on life! I loved every minute of it! Instead of posting a bunch of individual pics, here's the link to my Flickr album of some of my Colorado pics: 

Shortly after returning from my vacation, I did a fall photo shoot with my coworker and his wife. They wanted some updated photos of them as a couple and I couldn't turn them down!

Let's just add one more photo shoot to this month, shall we? My first maternity shoot and I think it turned out well!

Phew! What an October! But November is just when my life gets crazy busy. You see, November is the beginning of the high school bowling season and since I am the head coach, that creates a lot of background work along with attending practices and matches weekly. But don't misunderstand, I absolutely love it! I love working with the kids and making a difference (hopefully) in their lives. 

On November 8th, my cousin got married and I was there to capture their special day!

I took some time this month to visit a very close family friend. He has been a third grandpa to me and my siblings. This guy is awesome. Nothing more to say.

The rest of November consisted of bowling, editing photos, family time, and another Husker game! Sometimes being addicted to social media pays off. I got offered free tickets from UNL to this game cuz of my support of the Huskers on Twitter. I'll take it! It was freezing, but worth it!

November ended with one of the most gorgeous sunsets I have ever seen. 
You can't beat a Nebraska sunset!

December slowed down in the photography department, but made up for it with the high school bowling season. Highlight of December was my boys team becoming Conference Champs by beating the top two teams in the state! Proud coach!

Two of the boys and two of the girls both received individual awards, including making first and second team all-conference. It was a very successful day!

The week after was a break for everyone to spend with their families for Christmas. Christmas for me is a time to spend with family, focus on what really matters in life, and remember all the gifts we are given. 

I'm going to close out this blog with the progress I've made on myself. It's something I struggle with and don't talk about much and I'm not going to say much now. But just know that life always has it's ups and downs. It's a matter of pushing through and surrounding yourself with people who love and support you. Be yourself and love yourself. I work on doing this every day.

Follow me on Twitter: @KristaG3
Facebook Photography Page:
Tornado Relief Facebook Support Page: